Episode 183 - The Road to Eden, Whole Planet Spirituality
Recently, Rev. Carol led The Road to Eden Whole Planet Spirituality Forum & Retreat at Unity Village. This was the second retreat of its kind, inspired by a conversation with Victoria Moran in 2018 and guided by Spirit every step of the way. The event was inspiring, educational, connecting, holy and magical all in one. Vegans, vegetarians and curious omnivores from all across the country connected (in person and virtually) on an extraordinary level and we will keep this good magnifying in the world. In this episode, Rev. Carol shares the essence of her opening presentation that set the stage for the weekend. What/where is Eden? Why does it matter? What is Whole Planet Spirituality? Most of us sense that the world of normalized violence that we live in today is not aligned with our divine natures. Fev. Carol shares her thoughts on this and also shares some early Unity history and a brief sampling of some of the forgotten teachings of Unity founders, Charles and Myrtle Fillmore. The Fillmores lived in alignment with their values and were in action in the world as ambassadors of love and peace at all levels, for all beings. They are exemplars of Eden travelers and Whole Planet Spirituality.
Next year’s Whole Planet Spirituality retreat at Unity Village is set for October 19-22, 2023.
Here are the Fillmore quotes shared in this podcast:
“The master on the spiritual plane is not a slave driver. He does not use force. The only law that he recognizes is love. To this law he must be true in all its ramifications throughout the universe of forms. He must love every creature, every beast in the field, every fowl of the air. His love must flow forth in protecting streams when any creature is in danger of violence or destruction. He must recognize all life as God’s life, destined by a wise arrangement to be in its right place wherever he finds it. Thus he cannot in any way sanction the killing of animals for food.”
“Flesh-Eating Metaphysically Considered,” 1910
“But in the matter of animal slaughter, who countenances it or defends it, after his eyes have been opened to the unity of life? Yet every time we eat meat we are accessories of those who committed the overt act. We stand, in the sight of the moral law, exactly where the receivers of stolen goods stand in the civil law.”
From “Education and Temperance,” November, 1933
“There is a relation between thinking and eating, and as you grow spiritually the character of your food and all that pertains to eating may have to be changed in conformity with the new order of things. If you will leave meat and all animal products out of your food you will see a change for the better.” Atom-Smashing Power of Mind
“We need never look for universal peace on this earth until men stop killing animals for food. The lust for blood has permeated the race thought and the destruction of life will continue to repeat its psychology the world round, until men willingly observe the law in all phases of life, ‘Thou shalt not kill.’”
From “The Vegetarian,” May, 1920
NOTE: The rate of animal slaughter in the USA is 1 million per hour. If humans were decimated at that rate, it would be equivalent to the populations of New York City, Los Angeles, Chicago, Houston, Philadelphia, Phoenix, San Antonio and San Diego (the eight most populous US cities) disappearing in a single day. And then again the next day. Every day. That is a lot of killing. Today there is a plethora of delicious, healthy food alternatives in today’s supermarkets.
The Hero’s Journey
Rev. Carol at Kanda Farm Sanctuary in Ambia, Indiana (near her alma mater Purdue University)